Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pindaan Pliding

Pinda guna warna;
1. Merah - untuk pindaan kali pertama.
2. Hijau - untuk pindaan kali kedua
3. Violet - untuk pindaan kali ketiga
4. Kuning - untuk pindaan kali keempat


  1. Hi, I have one question. What is the practice direction that states about the this colour code?

    Thank you.

  2. Arahan berkenaan dengan warna garisan bagi pindaan ini boleh didapati di dalam:

    Halsbury's Laws of Malaysia - Civil Procedure > 190 – Civil Procedure > (3) Progress of
    Proceedings > (5) The System of Pleading > F. Amendment of Pleadings

    [190.3-188] Mode of amendment
    A pleading may be amended by written1 alterations2 in a copy of the document which has been served, and by
    additions on paper to be interleaved with it if necessary3. However, where the amendments are so numerous or of
    such nature or length that to make written alterations of the document so as to give effect to them would make it
    difficult or inconvenient to read, a fresh document must be prepared incorporating the amendments4. If such
    extensive amendment is required to a writ it must be reissued5. An amended writ or pleading must be indorsed
    with a statement6 that it has been amended, specifying the date on which it was amended, by whom any order
    authorising the amendment7 was made and the date of the order; or, if no such order was made, the number of the
    rule8 in pursuance of which the amendment was made9. The practice is to indicate any amendment in a different
    ink or type from the original. First amendments should be in red, second or re-amendments in green, third
    amendments in violet and fourth amendments in yellow10. Whereas the court can insist on the adoption of these
    colours as one of the terms on which leave to amend is granted, non-compliance with this chromatic scale may not
    be fatal11.
